
Bulk Email List Cleaning

Protect your sender reputation and ensure the highest inbox deliverability.

Blocked by your email provider? We have you covered.

Try It Free

When it comes to email verification, we always deliver.

30% of emails go bad in just one year.
If over 10% of your emails are bad, less than 44% are delivered.

Drop files here for a Free Analysis

trusted by the best

Two simple methods.

Screenshot of NeverBounce's bulk email list cleaning tool uploader. Screenshot of NeverBounce's bulk email list cleaning API dashboard.
  • Dashboard

    Easily upload and clean your lists and download your segmented results.

  • Custom API

    Connect our API to verify bulk lists. Start from scratch or drag and drop our simple wrappers, all backed with 99.9% uptime.

    View Docs
  • Screenshot of NeverBounce's result codes.

    Free Instant Bounce Analysis

    Test your data. We’ll report back whether it’s OK to send or needs to be cleaned. Any size.

  • Screenshot of NeverBounce's bulk email list result downloader.

    Human Quality Assurance

    Our team personally reviews lists with a high number of unknowns to ensure the highest quality.

  • Screenshot of NeverBounce's bulk email list result downloader.

    Email Bounce Removal

    We remove up to 99.9% of bounced emails from your list.

Integrate with all your favorite platforms.

View 80+ Integrations

One credit per email.

Pay as you go, bulk credits, or monthly billing.

  • Credits never expire.

  • Tiered discounts.

  • All major credit cards accepted.

See Pricing

Unmatched, proprietary cleaning process.

NeverBounce utilizes a 20+ step proprietary cleaning process that is unmatched, checking each email up to 75 times from around the globe.

  • Hybrid Verification

    Real-time verification is coupled with accept all detection, allowing NeverBounce to identify more accept all addresses than any other service.

  • Mail Server Validation

    We perform an advanced mail server verification for user identification. Utilizing SMTP and additional proprietary methods.

  • Free Scrubbing

    Automatically remove duplicate emails and bad syntax at no charge prior to cleaning.

  • Domain Health Check

    Domains are checked for current live status, including parked domains and overall health. DNS & MX Validation Email servers are checked for consistency and availability.

  • High-Risk Detection

    We eliminate potentially harmful emails through our real-time process.

  • B2B, B2C, International Email Compatible

    We validate emails of all types, from small to large businesses, and all major providers from anywhere in the world. (Ex: Gmail, Yahoo, etc.)

More Features

  • Additional Insights

    Append additional information to your list with data discovered during verification.

  • Advanced File Control

    Specify the result code format, yes/no operator, and line feed characters.

  • Remove or Isolate Duplicates

    Easily remove duplicates from your list or generate a list containing only the duplicates.

  • Email Network Information

    Append additional information learned about the email during the verification process.

  • Identify Free Mail Hosts

    Append a column indicating free mail hosts (i.e:,

  • Identify Role Accounts

    Append a column indicating role accounts (i.e:,

  • Identify address

    Append a column indicating the address portion of the email. Generally this is anything before the @ sign. If this address includes an email alias, the alias will not be returned as part of this field.

  • Identify alias

    Append a column showing the alias portion of an email address. If an address contains an alias such as "" the alias portion is returned, otherwise this column is empty.

  • Identify host

    Append a column showing the host portion of the email address. Generally this is everything after the @ sign.

  • Identify subdomain

    Append a column to show the email host's subdomain if applicable. For example, if host was, the subdomain would show a response of "site".

  • Identify domain

    Append a column to show the email host's domain name. This does not include any subdomain, if applicable, and does not include the TLD or top level domain portion. If the host was, the domain would be "example".

  • Identify TLD

    Append a column to show the TLD or top level domain of the email host. If the host was "", the TLD is "com".

  • Identify FQDN

    Append a column to show the FQDN or "Fully Qualified Domain Name". This is the portion of the host that you use to query DNS information. In most cases this will be the same as the host, however if a subdomain was included this will be removed from the FQDN. For example, if the host was "", the FQDN would be "".

  • Identify network

    Append a column to show the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the primary MX record. This is an attempt to determine the ISP hosting the email at a particular address and is useful for grouping addresses together by provider.

  • Identify valid DNS records

    Append a column to show whether one or more DNS records exists for this host.

  • Identify MX records

    Append a column to show whether this host has one or more MX records defined in its DNS records.

  • Identify reachable SMTP server

    Append a column to show whether NeverBounce was able to connect to a remote mail server identified by the host's MX records.

  • Identify Bad Syntax

    Append a column identify whether emails within a list contain bad syntax. Examples of syntax errors include spaces ( joe. missing domains (joe.smith@example).

Results You Can Understand

Features to support your business.

  • Simple Pricing

    Under a penny per email. The more you verify, the lower the cost.

  • Real People

    We pride ourselves on consistent service and availability; we’re here to help.

  • Bank-level Security

    Your data is protected by the same level of security as financial institutions and is never resold or abused.


Learn why NeverBounce is the industry's #1 trusted solution.

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