• Product
    • Verify
    • Clean
    • Sync
  • Connection Type
    • Zapier
    • Dashboard
    • Javascript

Highrise Email Verification Integration

Verify the email addresses of Highrise contacts with NeverBounce

Identify and keep track of valid email contact information stored within your Highrise account with NeverBounce. When a new contact is added in your Highrise account, NeverBounce checks the validity of the email address that is supplied. Once a result code — valid, invalid, disposable, catch-all, unknown — is returned for the email address, a tag with the result code is assigned to the email address’ corresponding contact within your Highrise account.

How this Highrise-NeverBounce integration works

  1. Add a contact on the Highrise account
  2. Zapier sends the email to be verified with NeverBounce
  3. Zapier updates the Highrise contact with the NeverBounce result code as a new tag

Apps involved

  • Highrise
  • NeverBounce
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